
BULLISHNESS  — TOH Hospitality | Premium Economy | Top-Notch Service

www.TohPR.com TOH Public Relation’s - Where insight’s meet impact.

First development phase: 7 target's like the 7 branch menorah (a symbol of human wisdom and divine enlightenment).

Kribi (Cameroon), Cologne (Germany), Singapore (ASEAN countries), England (United Kingdom), United Arab Emirates (GCC countries), Turin (Italy), and .  .  .

Foundation Stone: Our service culture is built on: trust, integrity, humility, quality, transparency, community, and prosperity.

Our Mission: Demonstrate that the spirit of wonderful experiences should outshine and speak all languages in hospitality. All our employees, investors, and the owners of our corporation should responsibly embody this wonderful spirit. 

«WE believe that OUR overall effort’s into attracting OUR international customer’s and at the same time also attracting OUR local customer’s should come as a reinforcement to OUR own CUSTOMER-SERVICE oriented brand — for a futuristic and genuine hospitality reputation. WE also understand that consistency is key and that offering the SAME service’s and consideration to all traveler’s no matter WHERE they come from should be something that translates into any LANGUAGE.»

Mr. Jerome Elbaz  |  Nogali Call - Call center and service provider.

Mr. Roland Abel Toh  |  1Rolly Group - Beach From Coast To Coast.